varchar comparison and trim()
(too old to reply)
2012-12-19 18:13:14 UTC
What would be the easiest way to make PG perform string comparison
consistently across all string types?

By 'consistent' I refer to this trailing space handling:
(possibly it's standard but I find it somewhat inconvenient)

select 'aa'::char(4) = 'aa '::char(3) => T
select 'aa'::varchar(4) = 'aa '::varchar(3) => F
select 'aa'::char(4) = 'aa '::varchar(3) => T


I've tried to redefine varchar to varchar operators applying Trim() to the
arguments (have put them in separate "myschema" to avoid possible
interference with who knows what) and that seems to work fine (not quite
sure about performance loss and those optimizer hints).

But during my tests sometimes, somehow, varchar columns having "unique"
constraint defined, manage to accept both 'aa' and 'aa ' values.

Either I missed to set search_path correctly every time or there is some
procedure (running possibly under 'public' search_path) that performs
unique check using standard operators...

So, this solution seems a bit "picky". Might I have to convert all varchar
columns to char if they are covered by "unique" constraint?

This way or another, having some sort of permanent "ANSI_PADDING" setting
would be nice.

By the way, I managed to redefine various combinations of text to char,
text to varchar etc, but not "text to text" operators. PG9.2 quietly
ignores that redefinition.
So, I finally gave up using "text" at all and converted all text columns
that are likely to be used in comparison to varchar (unbounded).

Have I overlooked something?
Any suggestions?
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Kevin Grittner
2012-12-19 19:59:24 UTC
Post by t***@lavabit.com
What would be the easiest way to make PG perform string comparison
consistently across all string types?
Avoid using the char(n) data type.
Post by t***@lavabit.com
(possibly it's standard but I find it somewhat inconvenient)
select 'aa'::char(4) = 'aa '::char(3) => T
select 'aa'::varchar(4) = 'aa '::varchar(3) => F
select 'aa'::char(4) = 'aa '::varchar(3) => T
That behavior is mandated by standard.
Post by t***@lavabit.com
I've tried to redefine varchar to varchar operators applying Trim() to the
arguments (have put them in separate "myschema" to avoid possible
interference with who knows what) and that seems to work fine (not quite
sure about performance loss and those optimizer hints).
Generally, char(n) is slower than varchar(n) or text.
Post by t***@lavabit.com
But during my tests sometimes, somehow, varchar columns having "unique"
constraint defined, manage to accept both 'aa' and 'aa ' values.
Yes, those are different values. You could add a constraint to
prohibit leading or trailing spaces.
Post by t***@lavabit.com
So, this solution seems a bit "picky". Might I have to convert all varchar
columns to char if they are covered by "unique" constraint?
I would go the other way. In fact, after running into this issue
where I worked, we took the time to convert every single char(n)
column to varchar(n).
Post by t***@lavabit.com
This way or another, having some sort of permanent "ANSI_PADDING" setting
would be nice.
That's not likely to happen, to put it mildly. Every
behavior-changing setting is a source of problems, and we only
tolerate the char(n) behavior in the first place because the
standard requires it. Without that, I'm pretty sure it would not be
there at all.
Post by t***@lavabit.com
By the way, I managed to redefine various combinations of text to char,
text to varchar etc, but not "text to text" operators. PG9.2 quietly
ignores that redefinition.
So, I finally gave up using "text" at all and converted all text columns
that are likely to be used in comparison to varchar (unbounded).
You're likely to be creating a whole new and different set of odd
behaviors and bugs which nobody else in the world will have seen,
and it will be hard for people to help you when you hit problems.
The text type is the most native and normal of all the character
string types; many people stay away from not only char(n) but all
forms of varchar as well, and just use constraints to enforce data
format requirements, including length. (That's not a position I
advocate, but it works.)

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