Null ordering in queries can be changed by settings?
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Vincenzo Melandri
2013-02-15 10:14:35 UTC
I stepped into the same problem as this guy from 2005.
Is this problem changed in the last 8 years? :)
Can it be changed from settings now?
unfortunately, standard 'nulls first/last' isn't supported yet.
select v_date, v_userid from votes order by v_date is not null desc, v_date desc
select v_date, v_userid from votes order by coalesce(v_date, XXX) desc
where XXX is substituted by the date value that is smaller than any
other used in your table
hi list
coming from the MS-SQL Server world, we're migrating our applications slowly
to pgsql 8.1. now we thumbled on a problem with different sort-order
table: votes (v_userid, v_date)
the v_date field can either be null or a date in the past. in mssql, sorting
the table to list records in descending date-order
select v_date, v_userid from votes order by v_date desc
produces a list where first the records with dates are listed, and then the
ones with nulls. in pgsql, the null-records are listed first before the
date-records... how can this behaviour be changed?
2005-11-05 3
2005-11-01 4
2005-09-10 1
null 2
null 5
null 2
null 52005-11-05 3
2005-11-01 4
2005-09-10 1
thanks in advance,
Best regards,
Imola Informatica

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Thomas Kellerer
2013-02-15 11:02:57 UTC
Post by Vincenzo Melandri
I stepped into the same problem as this guy from 2005.
Is this problem changed in the last 8 years? :)
Can it be changed from settings now?
You can use the SQL standard NULLS LAST/NULLS FIRST operator

select *
from foo
order by bar desc nulls last

select *
from foo
order by bar desc nulls first
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